Photo Credit : @Saywordstaz
I know for those who are freelancing, we want to get into the door and on our way to success. It can be easy for some who know the shortcuts and connections, but there are some who unfortunately have to learn the hard way. Not to say the hard way is bad, but it can be a struggle to get up that ladder that most you see on social media have already climbed. Don’t be frightened about the path because even though these ways may seem the hardest, they are the best ways to learn the ins and outs of the Industry as a struggling creative. This is why I am here to guide and give you advice on the key things you should learn as a creative freelancer in the entertainment industry as a freelancer like myself.
You have to have tough skin in this field man. You will get so many No’s before you receive a few Yes’s. Its a very common thing for freelancers, trust and believe , but its not the end of the world. Starting out as a photographer I always received rejections for amazing opportunities but never understood why. I felt insecure at a point thinking that my work wasn’t worth it and I would doubt myself and creativity when it was not the reason. There are reasons bigger than what we think of when it comes to rejection for gigs. Sometimes, it can be because the company has a crew already who are hired to work for them directly when needed. We may never know but don’t let that rejection email stop you from grinding. You got to continue your hustle because that one person who actually finds your work may be your blessing to an even better opportunity than what you had imagined.
Yay so you got that gig you wanted ! Awesome! But before you go ahead of yourself and start working it, always have documentation of the work you will be offering. You want to make sure your back is covered in case of any unfortunate events. Have a set of your own rules that are reasonable so that you and your client both have an understanding. Also, ask your client questions about what they want in detail , payment policies, as well as rules to post production. Making a contract can be as simple as googling “ how to make a contract for agreement terms” in photography, etc. and if you forget to make one make sure you have a copy of the receipts ( text messages, direct messages, and emails of written conversation.) Trust me, it will save you from someone trying to take advantage of your service, and if they disagree with your terms, move onto the next future client. You must stand behind your worth and don’t back down on what you feel your brand represents.
Take Full Advantage Of Social Media Platforms: Shoot Your Shot!
I can’t tell you how many opportunities i have received by making myself available to work using social media. In today's world it has become a must! Technology moves so fast so you must be aware of the new things that follow and jump aboard them. Its a perfect way of utilizing your network and gaining connections with those in your field. BE SHAMELESS! ( Like my girl @Shamelessmaya says.. shout out to your success girl!) and post your best work! Interact with your audience in everyday possible because you need them to build! Sites like Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are the platforms I highly recommend to maximize your chances of opportunities for work. The possibilities are endless if you choose it to be, honestly.
Finding A Creative Community
Its always good to be independent and working on your own when it comes to your brand. However there are times where you do need that push and help finding more opportunities in creating more content. Being a part of a creative community, I believe, is one of the best ideas to consider. Communities are the best ways to stay busy and motivated .
You get to share and create ideas with others you probably would’ve never thought of on your own. Not only creating ideas that can better your craft, but learning lessons and building connections to those communities are a major benefit to your career. There are so many to choose from and it is only a google search away from finding some near you! In fact, there are apps I have joined to help stay involved. Meetup is an application that helps you to discover and even create meet ups of your own in your location. Definitely give it a try and happy creating!
So don’t be worried my future Entrenprenuer! There may be people who stop you from succeeding but don’t let them. Let your conscience be your guide! Let these key points allow you to identify the right and wrong ways of achieving what you want. Hey, not one bad experience or rejection will destroy you for future opportunities. Be strong creative and keep killing the game! You have what others may not and that is humbleness, passion and overall true talent that the world is waiting for!